Friday, June 6, 2008

Top of Utah, Here We Come!

Next up on the running docket is the Top of Utah Marathon on September 20, 2008. This one is in Logan, Utah. I've never done it, so it will be a new adventure for me! Yeah!!!!

For those of you interested in joining, we start training on June 7 at 8 am. Long runs are every Saturday at 8. Meeting places will change, so be sure to contact me if you are interested.

I'll keep everyone else posted on the journey, and I'll do another Mile Marker Letter.

Here's to Pinky-Promises!


Monica said...

Hey Jana! I hope training is going well for you so far. I didn't know they had a marathon up in Logan. What a beautiful place to run a marathon though.

r3ing said...

Hey, I just found your blog, great! You are inspiring! Good luck, it is coming soon! Reed just did LOTOJA-Logan to Jackson Hole bike race on Sat, which is why we weren't at Brandi's baptism. It was over 200 miles non-stop, pretty big accomplishment. He is big into cycling. Anyway, good luck! Maybe we will see you!