Friday, June 6, 2008

Top of Utah, Here We Come!

Next up on the running docket is the Top of Utah Marathon on September 20, 2008. This one is in Logan, Utah. I've never done it, so it will be a new adventure for me! Yeah!!!!

For those of you interested in joining, we start training on June 7 at 8 am. Long runs are every Saturday at 8. Meeting places will change, so be sure to contact me if you are interested.

I'll keep everyone else posted on the journey, and I'll do another Mile Marker Letter.

Here's to Pinky-Promises!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Next up . . Ogden Marathon

So it's been a while . . . far to long . . . since I've been in training. I was talking to a few of the girls I work with at Hug-Hes Cafe about running, and we decided to get in training and do the Ogden Marathon!

Since I'm the only one who has run a marathon before it fell to me to come up with a training schedule. We started in January and are slowly adding up our miles. So far I've only been able to convince one other person (Christa) to come run the long miles with me on Sunday mornings. But we are enjoying it and each other!

It's cold in Ogden, Utah! I'm so not a fan of the snow and ice, and definately looking forward to spring. Thank heavens the Ogden Marathon is on May 17th!